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Men from the Rosamond Community_edited.jpg

North Texas History

“(1853 – 2018)
A number of years before “Rosamond” became a community, a young
man Christopher Riffe, Jr. (born March 27,1819) his wife Margaret and
two young girls, Sarah (13), Elizabeth (10), came to Texas. The family
settled at this location in 1853. The family traveled in a caravan of eight
wagons with the Coffeys, Portmans, and Vardaman families arriving in
Texas from the area of Casey County, Kentucky.
The area that is now called “The Rosamond Community” at that time
was in Fannin County. It was somewhat remote, yet near to a convenient
market for the sale of their produce. The earliest record of land transfer
in Texas to Christopher and Margaret Riffe was April 3, 1850.”

~Excerpt from the book, The Spark That Ignited The Town Of Anna ( READ MORE)


By Ebmrreditor - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https___commons.wikimedia.org_w_index.php_curid=7


Collin Country
Historical Commission

North Texas has many historical site and those who love to seek and share! 

Please Click on the link to discover the rich history in Collin County!


Allen Heritage Guild Allen Heritage Guild

Anna Area Historical Preservation Society Anna Area Historical Preservation Society

Heritage Association of Frisco Heritage Association of Frisco

Main Street Farmersville Main Street Farmersville

Melissa Historical Society Melissa Historical Society Facebook

Murphy Historical Society Murphy Historical Society

Plano Conservancy for Historical Preservation Plano Conservancy for Historical



Prosper Historical Society Prosper Historical Society

Sachse Historical Society (part of Sachse is in Collin County) Sachse Historical Society

Weston Heritage Guild Weston Heritage Guild Facebook

Wylie Historical Society Wylie Historical Society



Collin County Genealogical Society Collin County Genealogical Society

Genealogy Friends of Plano Libraries Genealogy Friends of Plano Libraries

North Collin County Genealogical Society North Collin County Genealogic  Society

Collin County Pastfinders Historic Photographs Collin County Pastfinders Historic Photographs

Plano Library Genealogy, Local History, Texana, and Archives Plano Library Genealogy, Local History, Texana, and Archives


Allen Heritage Center and Village (Allen) Allen Heritage Center and Village


Anna Depot and Museum (Anna) Anna Depot and Museum

Chestnut Square (McKinney) Chestnut Square

Collin County Farm Museum (McKinney) Collin County Farm Museum

Collin County History Museum (McKinney) Collin County History Museum

Frisco Heritage Museum for the Arts (Frisco) Frisco Heritage Museum for the Arts

Heard-Craig Center (McKinney) Heard-Craig Center

Heritage Farmstead Museum (Plano) Heritage Farmstead Museum

Interurban Railway Museum (Plano) Interurban Railway Museum

Military Heritage Collection of North Texas Museum (Nevada) Military Heritage Collection of North Texas Museum

Sherley Brothers Store (Anna),  903-327-2631


Anna Area Historical

Preservation Society

 Mailing PO BOX 254

Physical 101 S. Sherley Rd

Anna, Texas 75409


©2023-2024 by Anna Area Historical Preservation Society

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